giovedì 15 settembre 2011

In this teaser the irish collective MIDAS gives us a great representation of what we could call a "Total Artwork", and results go truly farther than the first approach theorized by Richard Wagner in 1851 (take a look here: Gesamtkunstwerk).
In 2011, through technology, an artist could combine together music, visualization, dance and drama, in a unique and comprehensive artefact.

Going into the production, they surely used some videomapping tools in order to project different images on different part of the
scenography, openFramework and Kinect for tracking stuffs. The video is a must see for all creative and art-enthusiastic geeks :D


Luca Bertinetto

MIDASpaces Promotional Short from MIDASpaces on Vimeo.

Posted by Pubblicato da Synthetic Stream alle 08:18
Categories: Etichette: , , , ,

